Gifting Orgonite in the Garden

Gifting Orgonite in the Garden

Gifting Orgonite in the Garden
I create all pieces in a little Sanctuary in the healing valley of Ojai, California.  Abundance offered by the Earth, received, honored and returned returned with love. It is so inspiring to be able to photograph the pieces in the same space they are created, a constant flow of inspiration and manifestation.  Every day I give thanks for being able to work in such a beautiful space, surrounded by magical mountains and supported by the loving vibration of Gaia.

Unusually warm weather in Ojai calls for continued creating…and with glee, (literal glee),  I leap and allow the energy to flow.  Today, I took advantage of a clear sunny day, and had an orgone photo shoot.  This is a recent batch of tower busters, orgone talismans, and orgonite power pucks.  Looking at the images you see that  all are one of kind… the hand guided by the heart, not the mind.  My deep love for the Earth is expressed in every piece.  Using dried flowers, herbs, rocks, abandoned snail shells…warmed by the Sun, and shade from the Oak trees…I realize once more how blessed I am to be here.

As a small sign of appreciation, I enjoy gifting orgonite whenever possible.  To friends, strangers, gardens near and far, and perhaps on certain occasions to various areas filled with power lines, or those things that appear to literally pull oil out of the Earth and make my skin crawl…

Every day we can all make small efforts to express gratitude to the Earth.  We wouldn’t be here without Her…

Are you gifting orgonite? Have you experimented with placing pieces in your garden, on power boxes, under your bed, in your neighbor’s yard?