Good Vibes Orgone Generator Talisman

$50.00 Sale

An orgone talisman created to generate a vortex of healing energy for your physical and energetic body.  Discover pieces of malachite, amethyst, carnelian, citrine and selenite over copper in these talismans.

Amethyst offers protection and provides psychic, mental, and physical alignment.  Charoite purifies your energy body and connects the heart chakra to the crown, allowing conscious, loving, awareness and acceptance of “others.” It cleanses the aura and facilitates the release of fear and dissolution of negative energies encountered in the process of aligning with your soul's purpose. Malachite supports us to alchemize our emotions to resonate in harmony with our truth.  Citrine brings in the light energy of the Sun and strengthens the Solar Plexus Chakra. Carnelian brings joy and stability to your emotions, while stimulating creative energy.

I chose this combination of crystals in response to our innate desire for peace, joy and love in our lives. Often, as we are bombarded by imbalanced and toxic energies in our lives, we lose our connection to our center, to our Hearts, and to the energy that connects us all through space and time. This consciously curated crystal blend helps us heal, so we may remember our truth and live our lives with confidence, balance and presence!

The toroid shape, or “torus” is the template for the physical Universe, and the natural flow of electromagnetic energy generating our life force. The energy of a torus is continually refreshing itself, continually influencing itself by the natural movement of energy going out, and recycling through itself. You can wear these Orgone Talismans as a necklace, hang on your rear view mirror as a traveling protection talisman, use them to hold crystal spheres, keep as a key chain, carry in your pocket or keep on your desk to neutralize imbalanced energies during the work day. Let me know how you plan to use your Orgone Torus Talisman and I will send it out with the proper length cord or chain.

measures : 2" x .5"

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